Monday, December 10, 2007

Languify is a translation management system for your software projects

What Company Is Offering:
Languify is a translation management system for your software projects. Those who have dealt with agile software projects, which support multiple languages, know: synchronizing feature development and localization is a nightmare. Languify reduces the barriers of entry to software internationalization (i18n) so significantly that the benefits of global accessibility now outweigh costs.
How It Works:
The display text in software applications, including web sites, is often embedded directly in the programming code. These bits of text are called “strings”, and include button & menu labels, tooltips, help text, error messages, and so on.

For software to support multiple languages, these strings need to be moved out of the code and into separate files. This step is called “globalizing” or “externalizing” the application.

Every software platform has its own mechanisms for globalizing. In the Java world, for instance, strings are externalized into .properties files and accessed through the ResourceBundle class.
You can upload these externalized string files into Languify. Each file becomes a “locale”, which specifies the language and the region. For example, Brazilian Portugeuse or Canadian English. You may only have one locale to create if you have not had any translations done yet.

With your project and first locale(s) set up in Languify, you can now invite translators to use the web interface to add translations. Your translators may be professional translators, or perhaps passionate users of your application (aka “Crowdsourcing”).

Periodically you will export your Languify project back into your software application.

Languify also offers a full REST-style API, which allows other systems to programmatically interact with your projects, locales, keys, and translations.
More at:

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