Monday, December 10, 2007

LocateTV is to let you find TV shows available where you live in the world, be they on broadcast TV, online or on recorded media

What Company Is Offering:
LocateTV is to let you find TV shows available where you live in the world, be they on broadcast TV, online or on recorded media (DVD, HD-DVD etc).

How It Works:

They provide tools to assist you when you contribute on the web. For example, if you want to recommend a TV show, movie or actor in a blog you can use our embed service to provide an easy way to tell your readers where they can view the content you are talking about. Placing an embed makes it easier for your readers to find out where they can view the content in their region, and will always be up-to-date.
They have created a couple of short videos to help you get the best from LocateTV:

A guide to LocateTV - searching for help in using the site .
A guide to LocateTV - embedding to understand how useful embeds can be on your own web pages .
More at:

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