Tuesday, December 18, 2007

ScientificMatch.com--Science Of Love Or DNA Dating

What Company Is Offering:

Once you sign up at ScientificMatch, they send you the swabs and an email with your customer number. You write your customer number on your DNA envelope, and you put your loaded swabs inside it. After you drop it in the mail, your DNA results will be uploaded to their computers and you should be able to see your matches.

How It Works:
When you first sign up to join their service, they send you a DNA collection kit, the main component of which is just a couple of sterilized, sealed cotton swabs.

With these swabs, you simply rub the insides of you cheeks. It's quick, easy, and painless.

They also give a pre-addressed, pre-stamped envelope into which you deposit your loaded swabs.

Probably the most complicated part of the process is writing your customer number on the envelope. In order to protect your security and anominity, the laboratory that analyzes your DNA never knows who you are. The only way they can refer to you is with your customer number. Typically, nobody in their organization ever knows your name and your customer number at the same time. Only our computers ever link the two together. That's why you have to write your customer number on your DNA envelope. Their computers generate the relationship, and they send the customer number directly to you, in an email. You then write the customer number on the envelope. Theirr lab technicians upload your number and your DNA results together, when are computers then associate your DNA results with your dating profile. Your DNA is never posted in your profile--it's only used to generate your matches.

It can take up to two weeks for your DNA results to be generated by our laboratory, but in terms of your membership, that doesn't cost you any time. Your membership period only begins after your account has been fully activated, and uploading your DNA results is usually the final step in the activation process.

More at: http://www.scientificmatch.com/

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