Saturday, December 8, 2007

sportme is an innovative and completely free social network that assists grass root and semi-professional sports clubs, teams, individual athletes

What Company Is Offering:
sportme is an innovative and completely free social network that assists grass root and semi-professional sports clubs, teams, individual athletes and fans to interact online and share their sporting experiences with one another.

How It Works:

From football to archery, netball to bowls, sportme offers everyone involved in sports the chance to share their exploits with others in the sporting community.

Clubs, teams and individuals can create custom profiles and use the development functions to keep up to date with their sports schedules; coordinate practices, matches and tournaments and find local teams with whom they can compete.

Members can also communicate with their sports peers, develop friendships with other sporty people and promote themselves and their groups via the internet using sportme message boards, sports forums, blogs, calendar and photo/video sharing functions.To use (and even get detailed information about) sportme, you’ll need to sign up. Once you’ve done this, you begin by creating your profile and uploading a photo. The profiles are heavily sports-related and detailed; you can even specify your teams, positions, duties, accomplishments, greatest moments, etc. From there, you can browse for your teams and clubs and join them, or create new ones if they don’t yet exist. Joining such groups lets you communicate with other team members, coaches, trainers, and fans; you can check out scheduling info, upload photos and videos, create posts, and more. You’ll probably find some of your team members here, whom you can friend and/or message to expand your network.
More at:

1 comment:

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