Saturday, December 8, 2007 3D Environment Virtual World

What Company is Offering:
There is an online getaway where you can hang out with your friends and meet new ones -- all in a lush 3D environment that's yours to explore and help build.Create your own fully customizable avatar - then get in There and join the crowd.

How It Works:

Once you've installed the There software, you'll be prompted to register and create a starter look for your avatar. It's easy! Once you're in There, you can customize your avatar further to create your own unique look.

There offers two membership plans - a BASIC membership and a PREMIUM membership.BASIC Membership is absolutely FREE! It includes your fully customizable avatar, your own unique name, a set of new member clothes and a new hoverboard. Once in There, you can explore the world, chat with friends via text and IM, participate in a variety of events and games, shop in the catalog and auctions, listen to streamed Internet radio, join up to 50 Clubs, and begin leveling up in the skill system.

Our PREMIUM Membership costs a one time fee of $9.95. Along with everything from the Basic Membership, Premium Membership includes extra goodies like Voice Chat, the ability to save teleport locations, event hosting and club leader privileges, and full skilling abilities. You'll also be able to earn Therebucks by becoming a Neighborhood owner and collecting rent from tenants, or by creating and selling items like custom avatar clothing, vehicles and home furnishings to other members in the auctions. View a comparison chart of BASIC and PREMIUM benefits.

Recent Updates:

Coca Cola ,the beverages company has moved on to CC Metro is the island Coke has created in this virtual world, where avatars can hang out. There’s a virtual movie theater for viewing short films (this seems to be very popular in virtual worlds), a diner, and shopping stores where you can use your Coke Rewards points to redeem items for your avatar to don on themselves or in their homes.

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