Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Navtrak vehicle tracking system delivers valuable information about location, engine status, speed, fuel usage, etc

What Company Is Offering:
Navtrak, is an industry leader providing GPS tracking systems, fleet management solutions and vehicle tracking systems for businesses with mobile workforces. , Navtrak is committed to Driving Business Productivity with valuable, real-time fleet tracking, reporting and communication tools that improve efficiency and enhance customer service.

How It Works:
It's about delivering practical, up-to-the-minute information about your mobile workforce's activity that you can use to become more profitable and productive.

Navtrak understands this, which is why their approach to fleet management is refreshingly different. Theirr GPS tracking system is a powerful and flexible management tool that helps you to better understand and manage your field operations on a day-to-day, real-time basis. Fleet tracking is only the beginning - Navtrak offers a suite of productivity-enhancing solutions for your most common fleet management challenges.

Unique Features:
Navtrak's vehicle tracking system delivers valuable information about your mobile workforce's activities in real-time (location, engine status, speed, fuel usage, etc.) - and an immediate boost in productivity and profitability as well.

Tired of wasting valuable time and money trying to find and re-route your vehicles in response to changing circumstances and customer inquiries? Navtrak's real-time service dispatch tools and route planner have been proven to drastically improve mobile workforce efficiency.

Navtrak's nTouch Messaging Suite makes two-way messaging easy - and adds another layer to your fleet management capabilities.

Tracking and scheduling regular maintenance for multiple vehicles can be a real headache - unless you have Navtrak! Explore the benefits of their convenient, easy-to-use nGauge Maintenance Manager solution.

More at:http://www.navtrak.net/

1 comment:

AVL Insider said...

Navtrak GPS is great - I have it on my entire fleet. Pays for itself in about a week....