Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Sprouts is the quick and easy way for anyone to build living content

What Company Is Offering:
Sprouts are ideal for musicians, politicans, non-profits or any person or organization that has “fans” and wants to provide them with a chunk of Web content that can be virally spread. Sprouts can be edited at any time, and all copies in circulation are instantly updated, so your fans can be kept engaged and informed with fresh content.
Personal Sprouts are ideal for…everyone! Create a slideshow, add your favorite songs to a jukebox, add links to your social networking profiles - whatever you want to do to make your web presence come alive! Share with your friends and collect theirs as well.
Informational Sprouts are ideal for any organizations that need to keep their web site content fresh. Informational sprouts can be of any size and because they can include multiple pages they can pack a lot of content.

How It Works:
Building a sprout is easy. Choose from dozens of pre-built templates or start from scratch. Drag-and-drop shapes, text, images, video, and more. Then add components such as slideshows, jukeboxes, and countdown clocks, as well as interactive services such as chat (Meebo), phone (Ribbit), fundraising (ChipIn), and more. Once you’ve got your content in place, use advanced editing and navigation tools to perfect your sprout.

Publishing your sprout is easy, too! Just click “publish” and then cut and paste your sprout code into any Web page, or use the “quick post” feature to automatically place your sprout into blogs and social networking sites. For more advanced options, publish your sprout via any of our distribution partners, including Clearspring, Gigya, and Spring Widgets.

Once your sprout is published, your audience can copy and spread it to their Web pages and communities. You can then track usage stats such as how many copies were made, how many times your sprout was viewed, and more. You can also edit your Sprout, and ALL copies of your sprout will be instantly updated! Add or change content as needed to keep your audience engaged and informed.
More at:

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