Monday, December 22, 2008

Action Method Online is a radically different approach to productivity, designed to simplify project management and life

What Company Is Offering:
Action Method Online is a radically different approach to productivity, designed to simplify project management and life.
All of life can be divided into "projects" - the categories we use in our minds to separate and make sense of what we need to accomplish (e.g. "the party I'm planning," "client X," "event Y," "finances"). The Action Method helps you manage your projects starting with the most basic elements - always with an emphasis on action.

Unique Features:

Action Steps
Action Steps are tasks that need to be completed. Each Action Step should start with a verb: "Call Y," "Follow up with X," "Buy a gift for Z."

References are notes, links, files, sketches - any information related to a project that gives context to your Action Steps.

Backburners are the brilliant ideas that you want to come back to later, but are not yet actionable.

Discussions enable you to manage ongoing conversations across all of your projects with anyone that works with you. All relevant communications (shared documents, solutions to problems, feedback, decisions) are in one place.

Events are the key occasions/meetings/milestones/etc toward which you (and your team) are working. Events can be used to coordinate deadlines for Action Steps.

More at:

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