Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Work + Social Media + Networking = Workstreamr

What Company Says:
Workstreamr is a particular type of person often characterized with attributes such as ambition and passion. They are the over-achievers; the people who colleagues and clients describe as entrepreneurial, dedicated and driven. Workstreamrs are also innovative. They leverage technology to get more done at higher standards than previously thought possible. They recognize the benefits of sociality, collective wisdom and collaboration. Workstreamrs are a tribe who embrace the mantra ‘we are better together.’
The Workstreamr product is being developed specifically for their fellow Workstreamrs. They are developing a solution and a community.

Why To Use It:

At Workstreamr they are on a mission to design a product that allows people to reach their potential.Workstreamr addresses three gaps in the current marketplace:

Work is currently distributed across too many silos and applications.
The marketplace lacks socialization around work and projects online .
There is no digital database of project and workflow relationships .

In addition to the above, are further guided by several underlying principles that drive their product design and company persona:

Work is inherently social. Exploring the social dimension of work is critical to producing higher quality and/or more innovative work. The advent of the Internet and globalization are fundamentally transforming work culture. Most work tools fail to create an appropriate social environment for collaboration and knowledge sharing.
Work should not have to be attacked with a collection of un-integrated tools.
Individuals should leverage technology to get work done and to remain connected. Once technology has provided value, it should get out of the way.

More at:http://workstreamr.com/

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