Wednesday, May 21, 2008

YowTRIP is a social network site that connects you with other world travelers in your town or wherever you're traveling

What Company Is Offering:
YowTRIP is a social network site that connects you with other world travelers in your town or wherever you're traveling. Their goal is to promote cultural exchange by connecting world travelers and enabling them to share their travel experiences on this online community.

How It Works:

YowTRIP's innovative travel plan matching capabilities with the adventure package offerings of Adventure Central, the Denver-based leading provider of travel distribution and online booking services for the adventure and experiential travel industry, YowADVENTURES lets you book your adventure and find like-minded travelers to go with or hosts to stay with.

PatagoniaThe union is a seemingly natural marriage of missions, with Adventure Central working to connect the world to great adventures, and YowTRIP striving to connect world travelers. YowTRIP founder Felipe Coimbra says that's not the only reason the partnership is a perfect match for his service.

YowTRIP is not a site for simply sharing photos or reading hotel and restaurant reviews," says Coimbra. "Every service they add is designed to encourage and enable travelers to actually meet each other, in the real world."

Other enhancements to recently hit YowTRIP include YowGROUPS, whereby users can create a group to travel with, and YowEXPERTS, which allows people with significant knowledge of a destination to offer tips and advice about traveling there. Travelers can also add blogs, photos and videos to their YowTRIP profile as they travel, and share their upcoming trips via a widget on their own website.

As a new distribution partner of Adventure Central's, YowTRIP joins the company of well-known travel booking services and

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