Tuesday, April 15, 2008


What Company Is Offering:
CureHunter is not a doctor. It is a robot. A smart robot, but only a machine that knows nothing about you as a specific patient, and nothing about your specific health history, diagnosis, and clinical test results. It cannot give medical advice nor prescribe medication. CureHunter can only provide supporting information for review and consideration by your doctor.

How It Works:
CureHunter provides data for both Clinical and Biomedical research. Animal studies often provide leading indicators of what new drugs will be available in the future or critical insights into the behavior of important biologically active molecules influencing a drug's primary mechanism of action. CureHunter does not use the concept of "relevance ranking" at all. All its data extractions (search results) must be precisely relevant to start with. A very advanced natural language processing module has the task of reading the literature the same way a human scientist would. There are no "top 10 or 20" supposedly important articles followed by millions of "hits found" of totally irrelevant or weakly related information.

How Is It Different:

CureHunter is unlike Google and ordinary search engines used in general commerce and health information retrieval in several important ways--including its basic theory of operation. CureHunter is built on the model of scientific instruments. The machine must control samples and sample preparation. It must produce testable results consistently and be subject to test by other methods of analysis outside itself to provide 3rd party validation of its conclusions and returns. It must also have extremely large and carefully controlled technical medical dictionaries that are generally not found in common search engines that fail to recognize many words in the scientific research and thus deliver incorrect results

More at:http://www.curehunter.com/

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